Zoologická záhrada (Zoo)


City: Kosice
Country: Slovakia
Province: Kosice

Opend 1986

Species 285




The Zoo visitors can now admire the 151 kinds of animals from 5 continents in the total number of 845 subjects. The first reared animals in Zoo was hucul horse. There are year-round zoo area earmarked an area of approximately 11 ha area outside visitors, allowing them to retain characteristic traits: hardiness, modesty and good relationship with people. Also very successfully bred and reproduced and other representatives of the Carpathian protected fauna, but also animals from Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas. Between attractive and rare animals kept in zoos are also brown bear (offspring quintuplets is entered into the Guinness Book of Records), baboon plastic, lynx, Przewalski horse, Shetland pony, Chapman's zebra, emus, as Tibetan, but also representatives of raptors, owls , waterfowl, ornamental poultry, parrots, and indigenous species of livestock. At the entrance to the zoo is built and exotárium minivivárium. It houses a visitor can observe a python dark, spectacled caiman, green iguana, Cuban veľhadovca. Great admiration and enjoy different kinds of parrots and exotic aquarium fish. In exotariums premises are kept small monkeys tamarins pinch that their motility certainly take in visitors. Since May 2000 is built to run summer turtles, which are kept in water and land turtles.

Vis stort kort

Last visited 2012


Zoo Kosice
Široká 31
040 01 Košice-Kavečany





Phone number 055 7968 011
Fax number 055 7968 024

E-mail zoo@zookosice.sk


Opened minimum 9am - 4pm


Entrance fee

  • Adult 8,- Euro
  • Child 5,- Euro
  • Family*/**/*** 21,-/25,-/28,- Euro

*Family ticket is valid for 2 adults and 2 children
**Family ticket is valid for 2 adults and 3 children
***Family ticket is valid for 2 adults and 4 children

Annual card

  • Adult 50,- Euro
  • Child 30,- Euro

For kids there is a petting area and several playgrounds

Map 2013 Map 2015 Map 2020 Map 2022
After paying the entrance fee we are having an exotarium with reptiles on the right and an aquarium on the left. In front of the aquarium we find several aviaries for birds and across some for monkeys. Behind it we se the fallow deer. Longer down the road is large aviary for the condor a small aviary for ducks. Then its time to look at lions and Indian crested porcupines. The grey seals in this area are always fun to look at, behind them we find Japanese cranes. Then its time to look at capuchin monkeys and Parma wallabys. Across we find some water birds and primates. Turning to right we meet tigers and hyenas, on the left hand we then meet capybaras. Longer down the path we meet Bactrian camels, Turmenian kulans and meerkats. Following the Chapman's zebra enclosure to meet zebu cattle and Humboldt's penguins.  Going back to the zebras looking at the pond and after a while afterwars we meet the Nilgai and the European wolf. Following the savannah with African antelopes we meet red deer and ostriches. After a while we then see barbary sheep and the chamois. Then its time to see the Himalayan tahr, the moufflon and shetland ponys. After a while comes wisent and the lynx.  Following are the Emu, several bird aviaries and raccons. Theire neighbours are raccoon dog. Passing the bridge and the apiarian trail turning left we meet brown bears. Across are  enclosures for common cranes, guanaco, wapiti and several different domestical animals like the Hungarian grey cattle, yak and alpacas. Heading for the exit we at last see crowned cranes, emus and different goat and sheeps.

DE: Dieser kleine Zoo hat die einzigen Pinguine in der Slowakei, ausserdem zeigt er insbesonders Slowakische Tiere und Haustiere

DK: Denne lille have har Slovakiets eneste pingviner. Ligledes viser den slovaksike dyr og  husdyr 
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